The eyesight of the baby is very imperfect after birth, so it is necessary to offer the right stimulation for its development. For this reason, a unique set that is composed of contrasting colours – red, white and black – was created in cooperation with Tereza Paverová – the founder of the Černá na bílé brand (Black on White in English). These colours are so important for the eyes of the newborns.

In addition to the perfect development of perception and motor skills, this orthopedic set develops vision, the ability to concentrate and stimulates curiosity. Vision goes hand in hand with the development of a baby's motor skills because if their eyesight is poor, the baby wouldn't see the toy and wouldn't even think to move or turn anywhere. Everything is related.

The first six months are really important, when it is necessary to surround the baby with the right environment and stimuli. The baby perceives the black and white contrast most of all and can perceive red already from the second week of age. Therefore, most toys for children in the first months are primarily black and white with a noticeably contrasting red. It isn't just a modern invention, but an emphasis on the proper development of the baby's eyesight. You may also see a yellow colour along with black and white, which babies can see later, around 3-4 months of age, and still should be in a contrasting combination.

The patterns in this unusual set are selected in soft options to make them more comfortable for children to explore and better toddler through. You can put individual pieces in front of the baby in a row to gradually touch them or put them next to the baby in two rows to motivate them to turn around their axis to explore other pieces with their senses. Later, you can spread the pieces around the room, as a motivation for the baby to crawl. If you spend the summer in the garden, you can spray them with water so that the baby pats their hands on them and splashes water around and refreshes themselves.

Let babies discover different patterns of individual pieces, which will be interesting for them thanks to the contrast not only with the eye, but also with touch. At first, they will observe and examine them with a glance, but over time, they will try to poke, catch, turn and move them until they suddenly start toddling, turning, climbing and trying their first steps. The advantage of Muffik orthopedic floors is that the child will not grow out of them. It's quite the opposite. Muffik will grow together with the child who will discover everything that it has to offer for a long time. 

Karol Tišerová - Succesful Czech Mama Blogger