Customer reviews
Review from Renata Hasilová, Canis Therapy Association of South Moravia, Czech Republic
I have been breeding golden retrievers for more than 30 years, almost 20 years of which it also includes canine therapy. Some of my puppies go to education to become guide and assistance dogs. I "came across" MUFFIK rugs just as my retriever was expecting puppies.
Review breeder and trainer of Border Collies Miriam Søndergaard
As an owner of dogs active in sports and breeder of Border Collies, I immediately saw big potential in Muffik’s Sensory Mats. I already use Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) when puppies are 3-16 days old, so adding the sensory mats to my breeding program was just perfect. When puppies start to walk reasonable, around 3 weeks of age, I introduce the mats.
Reviews of Olivova Children's Medical Institution - A Year with MUFFIK
We have been using Muffik sensorimotor floor mats for more than a year, not only in obstacle courses and sensorimotor stimulation education but also in outpatient clinics. To facilitate children's (and parents') feet, we learn to recognize soft and hard surfaces. Thanks to Muffik, the foot can get used to different surfaces even in the winter months, when outside weather conditions don't allow barefoot walking.
Review from medical spa in Czech republic
Thanks to my friend, these aids got also into my hands. I had to have them right away.I work as a physiotherapist in an outpatient clinic. In addition to adult patients, I also work with children.The use is really diverse and it is fun for people of almost all ages.
Review from special needs school in UK
As soon as we got the Muffik floor tiles out of the boxes the children were drawn to them. The colours and textures sparked their curiosity. They wanted to explore and investigate them
Review from special school - Spojená škola, Dobšiná
Hello, MUFFIK is something I really have to recommend. The tiles were delivered very quickly and they are excellent. We are a special school that provides primary and lower secondary education and education of students with special educational needs, who are included in the community according to the degree of their mental disability.
MUFFIK at mother’s centre MEDULIENKA
We liked Muffik at first sight and the first touch of bare feet was a great experience. For a long time, we were looking for something practical, colourful and at the same time hygienic for the maternity centre. We agreed with our physiotherapist that Muffik is simply amazing.
Review from MUDr. Eva Lacková
I would like to thank you for your products and write to you in regard to our experience with them. Among other things, our clinic deals with musculoskeletal system treatment, in both adults and children.
Review from Oliva Children’s Medical Institution
Oliva Children's Medical Institution is a professional medical facility that cares for children from 1 year to 18 years. We provide medical rehabilitation and follow-up inpatient care for children with respiratory and locomotor system diseases, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with respiratory diseases, overweight and obesity, as well as atopic eczema.
Review from Radka who runs a FB Page about healthy lifestyle
Christmas! This time, we were given MUFFIK Orthopaedic floor. Our son (1 year) got the first part of MUFFIKs from his dad. Oh well, of course I mean from Santa Claus. At first, us adults were more excited, because the packaging looked good and very professional.
Review of a children's physiotherapist
Hello, I would like to thank you very much for MUFFIK ortho floor. I really like that they are inspired by natural surfaces so I decided to try them. I have to say that they look great in my pediatrist physiotherapist office!
Review from the Mother's Center Mamina
From the maternity center Mamina, which is located in Bánská Bystrica in Slovakia, we received reviews of floors from local mothers.