Movement games to play at home

Do you want your children to develop properly and healthily? Do you wonder how to playfully support their movement skills and, at the same time, strengthen their coordination skills?  

Games for children's physical development are not just fun. They are the key to opening the door to a world where joy and learning, health and development, and play and knowledge are combined.  

If you are interested in your children's proper motor development, remember that each little body is like a unique orchestra, where every muscle plays its irreplaceable role. For this orchestra to play in perfect harmony, it needs the right conductor—and that could be you. Use movement games and aids to support your children's coordination skills and abilities.  


The room turns into a dangerous landscape full of molten magma, and the only places where children can safely enter are pillows or other objects scattered on the floor. Children must jump from pillow to pillow without touching the lava - i.e., the floor. Your children not only have fun but also work on their balance, coordination, and overall agility. It's like a dance where every step must be carefully thought out and every leap precisely timed.    


Imagine a classic game of hide-and-seek. Yes, it can be the best way to get rid of the kids for ten minutes and drink a coffee in peace. But what more? It's like a little boot camp for kids' brains. They must analyze the terrain, estimate the best hiding place, and then move quietly but quickly to get there. This is not only an exercise for the legs but also for the brain.    


Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror. Every movement you make is faithfully mimicked by your reflection, whether it's stretching your arms skyward or doing a little dance on your tiptoes. Now imagine that the mirror is not a glass surface but a living, breathing person - your child, your friend, your classmates. This is the essence of Mirror, a movement game that develops coordination, attention, and team spirit.  

It's not just about imitating movements but also about a sense of rhythm and time. The mirror must constantly be on guard, ready to react immediately. When the roles are reversed and the mirror becomes the leader, we can see how children's self-esteem develops. Suddenly, the little mirror has a chance to lead and show the world its own movement story. The leader learns to be a good listener and follower, a valuable lesson in empathy and collaboration.    


The game "Statues" description is simple, but its beauty lies in its simplicity. It's a game of attention and reaction, where players have to freeze at certain moments in a completely still position. It starts with one "sculptor" facing off against other players who are "statues." The sculptor turns his back to the statues and calls them "statues," signaling that their dance can begin. The statues start dancing, jumping, running, and acting up, but always with the expectation that the sculptor can turn back at any time. And when the sculptor calls "stop" and turns back, all the statues must immediately become immobile. The sculptor watches carefully to see if any statues make a forbidden movement. If so, that sculpture is eliminated from the game or becomes the new sculptor, depending on the rules the group sets beforehand. This game is not only fun but also educational. Children learn to control their bodies and improve their ability to react quickly and concentrate.    


In this game, children imitate the movements of different animals—jumping like frogs, sneaking like tigers, stomping like elephants, or running like horses. This game is great for developing motor skills, learning about the animal world, and developing empathy and imagination.    

We must not forget about tools such as MUFFIK balancing and orthopedic mats, bouncy balls, or gymnastic mats. These tools are like magic keys that unlock new possibilities of movement and strengthen muscles and children's confidence. Replace the stones in the lava with MUFFIK orthopedic mats and place children's statues or mirrors on them. These miraculous tools actively prevent collapsed arches and valgus ankles and strengthen the weakened core and the entire deep stabilization system.     

All of these games are fun, but most importantly, they promote your children's proper motor development.