25. MUFFIK's haunted trail

Slowly but surely, Halloween is approaching. Whether you celebrate it or not, kids are noticing the various masks, decorations and spooky events planned around them. But not everyone, parent or child, is into mass events with large numbers of people and tight spaces. It's just that despite all this, they're eager to do something. How about creating a haunted trail at home? Invite Muffik in all his glory, or rather in all his scariness, to keep with the theme.

Prepare a trail that only the bravest children can walk, full of all sorts of pitfalls and traps. It will be no walk in the park to cross it without hesitation. Draw the curtains, light the candles (even with torches), play dark music and make a set to enhance the whole haunted trail. If you want to spice up the trail, get your friends to dress up in costumes.

Finally, assemble the path from the individual Muffik pieces. It can be straight, winding or spiral and motivate the children with a story of your own imagination (... it was Halloween 1817.) in which they will have to walk the whole route and at the end of it they will reach into a mysterious pot full of earthworms (dyed spaghetti) and pull out a precious gem.

You will guide them through the story, with them having to walk through a garden full of dry flowers of misfortune (Meadow puzzle), over logs leading through the swamp of doom (Logs puzzle), balance on a deadly poisonous snake (Snake set), and not step on a dragon egg (Dinosaur eggs puzzle), through ancient roots (Roots puzzle), not to miss a hedgehog that has slept for thousands of years (Hedgehog puzzle), to cross the place of suffering (Twister set) to the magic nuts (Nuts puzzle) where the ultimate test of courage awaits. Find the precious gem in the mysterious pot.

Here, you, on the other side, take up the baton and let your imagination and your own ideas guide you, not only in the mysterious and frightening names of the individual pieces, but also in what they will find at the end of the whole adventure, which, moreover, is best adapted to the specific age of your children.

You can even invent trails in several levels of spookiness if you have children of different ages. You can also invite little friends, neighborhood friends, or entire groups in clubs to get their dares on the line - you can create a commemorative certificate or diploma, a packet of Halloween candy, and add a Muffik key chain as a gift that both kids and adults love.

Boo! Doesn't that sound great? I'm crossing my fingers for you as you prepare for the whole adventure, even as you come up with nomenclature or other ideas, and I wish you an unforgettable experience.

Tišerová Karol - Successful Czech MAMA Blogger